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What's going on?

As the Chinese government threatened US arms dealer Lockheed Martin with sanctions on Tuesday, the UK wasn’t afraid to pull the trigger on one of Chinas weak spots…

What does this mean?

Chinas beef stems from a deal Lockheed struck with Taiwan to sell the country $620 million worth of arms parts. China considers Taiwan one of its territories, and asked the US to block the agreement in an effort to keep already-strained US-China relations on an even keel. But when the US instead gave Lockheed the thumbs up, China said itd sanction the company a damaging move given that Lockheed made 10% of its revenue in Asia last year.

But China has its own back to watch. The UK followed in the USs footsteps on Tuesday by banning the use of telecoms equipment from Chinese giant Huawei as the country upgrades to 5G, as well as mandating the removal of existing equipment over the next few years.

Why should I care?

For markets: The 3310s still got it.

Huaweis loss could be telecoms investors gain. With the company left out of the UKs 5G upgrade, British telecoms operators will be forced to buy equipment from more expensive but arguably more secure providers, or else risk missing out on the 5G revolution. Thatd put Huaweis previously cut revenue forecast even more at risk next year, but it could be good news for Nordic rivals Nokia and Ericsson, whose equipment with the potential exception of Snake might see a surge in demand.

The bigger picture: Anything but the gin…

Europes still playing its part in global tensions too. Its courts are set to decide this week whether to uphold a $15 billion tax levied against Apple, while France and the UK have announced tech taxes aimed at Americas biggest companies. The latter haven’t gone down well: the US has threatened to retaliate with trade taxes on European leather, olives, and gin. Tonics safe, though.

Originally posted as part of the Finimize daily email.

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