Obama Tackles A Tax Issue In M&A

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What's going on?

The Obama administration is changing the rules to make it harder for companies to complete so-called inversion deals. Such deals involve a US company buying a smaller foreign company and headquartering the combined entity outside of the US. That allows the company to pay a lower tax rate than it would in America.

What does this mean?

The location of a headquarters is very different than, say, a companys factories. American jobs are lost when Ford moves some of its car making production to Mexico. But when a corporation changes its head office, not that many jobs necessarily move abroad (its amazing how slim a head office can be). But the corporation pays tax overseas at a lower rate – and therefore the US government loses important tax revenue.

Why should I care?

For stocks: Its bad for some stocks. The biggest immediate impact is on the deal to combine massive US drugmaker Pfizer with Dublin-based Allergan. Allergan shares, which had increased when the deal was first announced, fell 15%. The merger now appears unlikely to proceed (it hadnt completed the various steps, like a shareholder vote, required for it to be final). The new regulations could also depress the value of mid-size companies (especially in pharmaceuticals) that are based in lower-tax jurisdictions like Britain and Ireland since their profits could be impacted (its kind of complicated) and theyre now less likely to be bought by big American rivals.

For you personally: Taxation of companies is a big political issue do you care? Its a bigger deal than just jobs and tax income. For example, many American companies are currently leaving a ton of their profits in overseas bank accounts (e.g. what Apple makes in Europe doesnt come back to the US to be spent on things like R&D). If they returned that money to America it might be spent creating more US jobs or buying American companies (i.e. youre more likely to get a new, higher paying job or have your startup acquired). But not everyone thinks companies should pay less tax – and so its a tough pill for politicians to swallow (pharma pun intended…).

Originally posted as part of the Finimize daily email.

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