Uber Rides On

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What's going on?

Despite the recent resignation of its CEO and a string of PR scandals, Uber reported that its sales continued to grow in the second quarter and that it was moving closer to turning a profit.

What does this mean?

Uber spends more cash than it actually earns (it funds the difference mainly with cash raised from investors), but the companys been trying to prove that its business model is sustainable and can eventually net a profit.

While it did post a loss of $645 million last quarter, thats almost 10% less than it lost in the first quarter of this year and 35% less than the quarter before that. It also reported that its bookings jumped by 17% versus last quarter. Altogether, it suggests that Ubers revenues are growing more quickly than its costs are which, if sustained, should put it on a path to profitability.

Why should I care?

For markets: Ubers trying to win back investor confidence ahead of a possible IPO.

Its been a tough year for Uber: the company suffered from the forced resignation of its CEO (who still hasnt been replaced), sexual harassment scandals and accusations of intellectual property theft. Even more recently, some big investors in Uber have said they dont think the company is worth as much as it used to be. Ubers announcement that its losses are decreasing is likely part of its effort to win over potential new investors as it prepares to possibly become a publicly traded company (a.k.a complete an IPO) but it likely has to show progress on its other problems as well.

The bigger picture: Ubers costs are decreasing as it scales back in developing markets.

One way that Uber cut its losses was to scale back its costly wars to become the dominant ride-hailing service in markets across the world, including China and Russia. One market where its still waging an expensive uphill battle is Southeast Asia, and some of its investors think Uber should cut its losses there as well.

Originally posted as part of the Finimize daily email.

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