What's going on?

There's a million sites about the stock market. Alts is the only site dedicated to alternatives

There's a ton of stuff to invest in these days: Wine, NFTs, sneakers, video games. The problem is, nobody's doing the hard work to value it! Alts demystifies these new investment markets. They find interesting investments and analyze the heck out of them, bringing you in-depth research and analysis. Their newsletter provides marketing-leading information on dozens of alternative investments, from islands, to domain names, to watches.

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Why should I care?

Stocks are a great way to grow your money - but far from the only way

Most of our portfolios have been getting hammered lately. Especially those of us who are all-in on tech stocks and crypto. But did you know that comic books are way up? Or that tickets are mooning? Or that farmland is completely unaffected?

This isn’t just about info, it’s about results. The team at Alts was the first to track these new markets, and their recommendations are already crushing the benchmarks.

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